Sunday, November 15, 2009

Contest is off

Its official the contest is off. i no i no... why jade? why is this wonderful contest off? well ill tell u it all started a long time ago... yesterday. u see i was dicussing with my associate whos name will not be menchined and SHE... yes SHE... thot my idea was too hard for sum weak minded people out there so to cut a long story short she sed sum things i sed sum things and BADABOOM! its done! i no i no its tragic but life will go on plus its not like a had a prize or anything.



  1. sooo will i go on???

  2. emg jade. u quitter!!!! u tried to copy and u couldnt cope with the stress of it all :( its alrite. not every1 can b as g8 as me and jasmine

  3. why do ppl always say g8? thats gate! the correct way 2 do it is gr8

  4. i never did a contest b 4....did i? wow i have a terrible memory!

  5. its not b cuz of the stress its bcuz no one wuld participate cuz i have no prize and u losers cant just play sumething for the fun of it! believe me i can handle the stress!
