Sunday, March 14, 2010


no i am not copyin u nyela.. just read the post...okay so im making a post due 2 previous comments on my other post 2 make a new post. okay so about this i carly thing i am going 2 be famous soon all i need is a few shoutouts from sum actors and stuff and i need my parents 2 take me 2 these acting jobs and stuff so anyways wen i get my new show I AM GOING TO BE THE CARLY OF THE GROUP. NYELA IS GOING TO BE THE SAM OF THE GROUP! and chloe or jasmine or kortni or someone i dont really care... is going 2 be the tech person! so everyone if we want this to bhappen we got 2 start this somewhere. put it on skypde u tube or somethinn so we et discovered and since track is runnin our lives we'll film the show @ practice or @ track meets oooh yea track meets wuld be best cuz i prob wont be gettin 2 practice very early...alrite thats all.
