Monday, July 12, 2010

Post:Unknown..just thought i'd write that cuz every1 else did

Well! finally i got a new playlist! cuz jasmine has a laptop that works! yipee! some songs may be a little innappropriate 4 our younger listeners so listen with caution...Anyways personally i still think we should all go 2 santa cruz..but since people are havin problems with that how about boomers? or dave and busters cuz i still havent been there..then maybe we could go 2 someone's house(chloe) and have a karaoke party!! or a lemonade sale...but i dont really particularally care for lemonade sales...or... and here's a kooky idea...have a bike the u guys know where that is?! that could be fun but it would require work 4 people 2 transport their bikes and all! i dunno.. im jus throwin ideas out there! i really do like the karaoke idea with that sed...u may comment ur thoughts...woo! finally a new post!
