Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Pickle Who just wanted 2 get out...

Okay nyela really inspired me w/ her short story so i wrote my it goes
Dill the pickle:i just wanna get out of this smelly refrigerator
Mary the Mayonaise:Me too! But how are we gonna get out?
Dill the pickle: i have an goes...okay wen Cynthia Cuzzy comes in for her annual 2:00 snack we sneak up on Steve the String Cheese and we tear off 1 of his strings and unravel him til we reach the bottom of the fridge.
Mary The Mayonaise: What an excellent idea!
Dill the Pickle: i no! now its 1:59 and we have 20 seconds... go sneak up on Steve the String Cheese!
Narrator: Mary the Mayonaise and Dill the Pickle scittered ovr 2 Steve the String Cheese and-
Dill the Pickle:ATTACK!!!!!!!!
Narrator: Steve the String Cheese never got 2 finish his sentence because Dill The pickle and Mary The Mayonaise unraveled him..
Dill the Pickle: 10 seconds...
Cynthia Cuzzy: Mhmm i am hungry ooh wuts this a pickle and sum Mayonaise? sounds lyk a good snack...
Narrator:You can probably already guess wut hapened...SHE ATE THEM! THE FAT LOON ATE EM' and that wuz the end of Dill the Pickle and Mary the Mayonaise...2 companions who jus wanted 2 get out. Let this be a lesson 2 u. Whenever u find urself stuck in a fridge tryna get out.DO NOT EVER! TRY 2 ESCApe wen a fat loon lyk cynthia cuzzy is lookin 4 food...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter and The Track Meet

Okay so yesterday was the track meet and it wuz ridiculously long! Okay so we were suppose 2 get there at 8:00 but me and jasmine got there at 8:30... Christina already sed the order of events so u shuld no that the 1500 wuz lyk the 4th i want sumeone 2 tell me why the heck we ran the 1500 at 2:30 almost 3:00?! Omg! WTF? slow a** people... Okay aside 4rom the time wuz a pretty good meet and i thought ever1 did a pretty good job...except Mr.P didnt get our times in the 800! but yea i wannna give a round of appluase to all the people who attended the meet... Bravo... OKay now 2 my next subject Easter! Hapy Easter every1! people prob shuld be goin 2 church evn tho sum arent...not sayin any names....but yea thats all i wanted 2 say on that...Every1 have a blessed day...