Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter and The Track Meet

Okay so yesterday was the track meet and it wuz ridiculously long! Okay so we were suppose 2 get there at 8:00 but me and jasmine got there at 8:30... Christina already sed the order of events so u shuld no that the 1500 wuz lyk the 4th i want sumeone 2 tell me why the heck we ran the 1500 at 2:30 almost 3:00?! Omg! WTF? slow a** people... Okay aside 4rom the time wuz a pretty good meet and i thought ever1 did a pretty good job...except Mr.P didnt get our times in the 800! but yea i wannna give a round of appluase to all the people who attended the meet... Bravo... OKay now 2 my next subject Easter! Hapy Easter every1! people prob shuld be goin 2 church evn tho sum arent...not sayin any names....but yea thats all i wanted 2 say on that...Every1 have a blessed day...


  1. lol. "slow a** ppl"!!!!!! i kno chloe and i ddnt even run til 6!

  2. btw: i like ur backgroundd! u can c everything clearly! i think im gunna change my background noww

  3. i kow!!! 6!!! i was out there for 8 hrs doing nothing!!!!!!!!! thats sttupid!!! every1s makin new post & changing there background. im feelin inspired

  4. hahah u lyk? jasmine doesnt lyk it wutevs i dont lyk hers either.... anyways cc did u vote 4 urself on my post cuz u no u cant rite? its suppose 2 be after u get on ur blog whos the next persons u get on? u huys did run at lyk 6 thats heka funny....

  5. how come no ones on skype no mo?

  6. i wuz on skype. k sumtimes im not on skype but its says im on just becuz im using the computerrr! my sister cood b using the laptop and since i dont sign out, it cood say im on. but it only says im on on or sumone in my family or i am on the laptop

  7. im on skype right now!!! hey jades on!!!!! lol. first time for everything!!Cc y dont u comment on my blog??

  8. i wuznt on didnt u read the part where it sed away...i had 2 show my dad where 2 pick jasmine up 4rom her dentist appointment...

  9. it jus had the idle thing that u get wen u havent touched it in a while. u should of made it say busy

  10. well i was away so i put away...

  11. waite, did you guys have a track meet on easter???

  12. no we had a trackmeet the day b4 easter and it is nice 2 no that u cleaned up today cc...x on the chart? wtf?

  13. No,,, the day b4. Arizona in like 11 days!!!!

  14. i get an X on my chore chart. the only thing is i gave my mom a 'free chore chart money pass' for christmas(since i ddnt rlly buy her n e thing special). so once i finish my chore chart, i wont even get payed. but its only worth one time, so i can get money after that. praktice wuz alright yeserdayy

  15. ya it was so,so. what makes you think your moms gonna use it, on that one?

  16. y not? who knows wen i will ever do anouther one. and it expires buy the end of the year

  17. I like your house christina. (I no, that was random, juss felt like telling you tht)lol

  18. Lol. I like ur house to. It's all open. And pretty. And clean. And nice smelling. It has a warm friendly feeling to it. <3 the backyard. Jus makes me wish I had 1

  19. lol thnxx. urgg i kinda wanna go shoopping, but idk. wen r ur lfights for arizona. we all kno wut day ur all leaving but lyk wut time? i leeave at 10am that friday and i leave sunday night

  20. Well I'm flyin southwest, and on Friday I leave at 10.40. Wbu?

  21. omgggg!!! chloe and i have the same flight!! yay

  22. Triple eeeeeeeeeeek. I'm never on ne1s flight

  23. i wonder if n e one will b on my level in the hotel. wut hotel r u staying at? im gunna deffi get a jacket or shirt in arizona. i got a jacket b4 and the head part was too small. and i get my most nerv racking event over w/ first! idk if i will b nervous for the relayss..omg its sooo weird, in lyk the 4by4, the last hundred isnt as bad as an individual 400 last 100(if u kno wut i mean).lyk in the 400 individual, the last 100 is pure pain, but in the 4by4 the last 100 isnt so bad. well it sux for me, i have to b 4th! in both!

  24. aww scandoulous and i think i have the same flight as yu and chloe 2 idk tho i gtta ask my mom but i think i heard sumthin about that nt suree tho!!

  25. no fair my mom scheduled us a heka early fligh at lyk 7 am! and i wuz anchor in the 4x4 and 4x8 b4 its not THAT bad....but yea its pretty nerve rackiing...

  26. nyela, wut do u mean 'scandelous'? and nyerin leaves at 6am. im excitedd! im gunna rent some movies to birng. tripple jump isnt that nerv racking, i just need lyk one good jump. i have jumped in awhile, so idk how ill do. dang, we have school nxt week! i dont wanna do p.e. i wonder wut my gpa was. im suppose to get it nxt friday 7th period, but im not gunna b able to get it. they will have to mail it to me

  27. y mail is????? OMG DID U GET A F!!!! OR D!!!!! im in homewood. jus like I have every year. I bet that I'm not on any1s floor. My floor is always like seperate from every1s else. We should all sit together

  28. lol,no chloe, cuz i wont b there to get it! i leave that dayy!!! so they will have to mail it to me or ill have to wait til mondayyy

  29. how cume we havent got our report cards yet?! there takin heka long 2 send em... and im in marriott...

  30. Ahhhh. My marking period duzznt end for another 3 weeks....
