Saturday, December 19, 2009

Christinas Party!

Omg what a busy busy week i have had! On friday i had my schools dance on saturday i have christinas bday party on sunday i come bak.... well the more i think about the more my week isnt that busy! anyway cant wait to go! hope its fun!


Thursday, December 17, 2009

My school dance

Omg my schools dance wuz so fun it wuz a masquerade ball but i kept taking off my mask cuz it wuz hard to breathe under there plus it kept messin up my hair. IT still sucks th@ we had 2 pay for the food but it wuz cool but the songs... omg the songs were WEAK! They always play the same songs everytime! BUt overall it wuz fun. Leave comments on how u guys' dances went if u guys have been to a dance or just comment.


Sunday, December 13, 2009

The Princess and the Frog

Even tho i didnt get my ear pierced i still got to go to the movies and see...THE PRINCESS AND THE FROG. it wuz so heartwarming and so colorful! i liked the music too. It wuz just so beatiful and i saw it with my mom sister and my other sister cuz u no we all just had to see it.. like its the first african-american disney princess! I HAPPEN TO THINK YOU GUYS SHULD ALL SEE IT I GIVE IT ***** (5 stars) ...not a cuss word 4 all u sick-minded people out there.(chloe...jk jk lol)


Ear Piercing

Man im pretty ticked off cuz i wuz supposed 2 be gettin my ear pierced BUT.... heres the tragic part, we couldnt cuz "the legal california age for getting your cartilidge pierced is 13." ugh stupid ear piercing store(im not gonna say the name cuz i mite get sued)now we have to wait! We were gonna go to this other place but they were too expensive. BOO YOU STUPID, IDIOTIC EGGHEADS! HOW CAN THEY JUST CRUSH A PERSONS DREAMS LIKE THIS?! IT SHULD BE ILLEGAL!
