Saturday, January 16, 2010

My day @ the mall

man i wish i wuz goin sumewhere i have 2 much hw in Core i have a whole media project thing 2 do i read a bio book and now i have to do a memory page on Jane Goodall with pixs and stuff ugh stupid hw i did go 2 the mall 2 day tho and i got a really cute sweatshirt 4rom hollister anda stupid freakin 6.50 tank 4rom wetseal wen i coud have gotten like six tanks 4rom Joppa each 4 1.70 but its cool my moms got me sum and lets c i also got sum earrings and a ring 4rom Charlotte Russ and hmm another nail art pen a blue 1 from target and sum yellow nailpolish and sum mints it wuz a good day...

Omg i needed a new post depreetley

oh i think i spelled depreatly wrong but i dont care and anyway i just thought i needed a new post plus every1 keeps bothering me about it! so anyways lets see wu shuld i talk about oh yea wuts up wit this skype thingy im probs not gonna get 1 cuz i dont have a webcam evn tho i really want 1! maybe some1 can get me 1 4 my bday but th@s way 2 long from now ugh i need 2 change my background any1 wanna hellp?