Thursday, November 26, 2009

the end of turkey day!!!!

OMG thanksgiving wasnt evn that good! we did make heka cakes tho. we made 2 cheesecakes which i made personally made and 1 chocolate cake that jasmine made. both were really good! i was sooooooo full i felt like i was gonna die. i seriously culd not breathe! we ate at like 2:00 tho. i no thats heka early. anyway post ur comments on how ur thanksgiving went.


Tuesday, November 24, 2009


YAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Thanksgiving is soooooo soon! its in like, 2 days! Then its christmas then new years i wonder how they're gonna say 2010 are they gonna say class of '10 or class of 2010? oh my gosh!!!! so many wonders im gonna be in class of 2011! im soooooo young! booooo.... booohooooooo... everyones leaving me... everyones graduating this year except for chloe and jasmine and mercedes...oh yea christinas ou age tooo! oooh nevermind poor aidas leaving us. shes goin to the big bad school i wont say wut grade cuz u no there r a lot of stalkers out there thats y i never say my age! wow this post is long and random.. anyway... YAAAAAAAAAA!!


Sunday, November 22, 2009

New Moon

Okay new moon wuz alllrite... it wuz nit that good. Thats my opinion though it was so annoying how stupid flippin Edward wuz gonna kill himself over Bella! THAT IS SOO DRAMATIC! ugh gosh everytime he got on the screen i wanted to throw sum popcorn at his face. i mean get bak 2 Jacob! Jacob is by far my fav character in the whole movie. but his voice changed a lot in the movie. evn with all that DRAMA i still like it so i wuld advise u 2 go c it.
