Tuesday, November 24, 2009


YAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! Thanksgiving is soooooo soon! its in like, 2 days! Then its christmas then new years i wonder how they're gonna say 2010 are they gonna say class of '10 or class of 2010? oh my gosh!!!! so many wonders im gonna be in class of 2011! im soooooo young! booooo.... booohooooooo... everyones leaving me... everyones graduating this year except for chloe and jasmine and mercedes...oh yea christinas ou age tooo! oooh nevermind poor aidas leaving us. shes goin to the big bad school i wont say wut grade cuz u no there r a lot of stalkers out there thats y i never say my age! wow this post is long and random.. anyway... YAAAAAAAAAA!!



  1. Emg jade, you must b so sad.aidas never guna ove us anymore(no homo) u act like sadiemay97 & trackgirl009 & bffcc101 aren't enough for you.

  2. i kno rite...that 3 good friends

  3. and its gunna b weird wen u say and write 2010!!! wut r u supose to write???? lyk 1/1/10????? that mkes us seem olld!!!!!! lyk its 1010!!! instead of saying, "its the yr '09" u say "its the yr of '10"????? lyk as if its the 10th yr of the earth!!!or wood u say "its the yr of '010". but that just sounds lyk wrong grammer!!!! HELP!!!!!! MADNESSS!!!!!

  4. ha lol thats wut im sayin and chloe i never sed that sadiemay or christina or u werent good enuf im just sayin that im sad aidas graduates

  5. u act like shes gonna abandon us and just stop talking 2 us...maybe u guys but not me...she luvs me!

  6. shes loved mwa. idk about u ppl!!!!!!!

  7. omg! wut is wrong wit everyone y dont we ask her?
