Thursday, December 17, 2009

My school dance

Omg my schools dance wuz so fun it wuz a masquerade ball but i kept taking off my mask cuz it wuz hard to breathe under there plus it kept messin up my hair. IT still sucks th@ we had 2 pay for the food but it wuz cool but the songs... omg the songs were WEAK! They always play the same songs everytime! BUt overall it wuz fun. Leave comments on how u guys' dances went if u guys have been to a dance or just comment.



  1. i have of course been to a dance. but ours are weak which is y ive only been 2 1. bcuz they were so boring. plus they make u buy the ticket b4 i get there. sux!!

  2. same here! except this is the 1st danec th@ we didnt have 2 buy the tickets

  3. not even mad that the food cost cuz the tickets didnt

  4. i got 2 slices of pizza, some chips, and a starburst

  5. mom gave me and jade ten dollars each and i have like 4 dollars left??? the pizza was 3, the startburst was 1, and the chips were 1. and i got 2 slices of pizza....sooo 3 plus 3 plus 1 plus 1 equals 8! so i have 2 dollars left

  6. well i shuld have 6 dollars but i only have 5 cuz i had 1 slice of pizza which wuz 2 dollars not 3 and sum m&ms which was a dollar and sum chips which was 1 dollar so i spent 4 dollars i believe?

  7. u bought a extra cookie. remember???

  8. yes i remember y r u reminding me of that?! im still upset!
