Sunday, December 13, 2009

Ear Piercing

Man im pretty ticked off cuz i wuz supposed 2 be gettin my ear pierced BUT.... heres the tragic part, we couldnt cuz "the legal california age for getting your cartilidge pierced is 13." ugh stupid ear piercing store(im not gonna say the name cuz i mite get sued)now we have to wait! We were gonna go to this other place but they were too expensive. BOO YOU STUPID, IDIOTIC EGGHEADS! HOW CAN THEY JUST CRUSH A PERSONS DREAMS LIKE THIS?! IT SHULD BE ILLEGAL!



  1. auuuw that suxx!!!! my friend got her cartalege pierced, but i just remebered that she is 13. ummm, im almost a teenager!! im gunna miss being a little kid!!!!

  2. we can still get it pierced just at a diferent store. i was so looking forward 2 it!

  3. at the 1st store it wuz 16.50 the second store is 25.50 and up
