Sunday, March 14, 2010


no i am not copyin u nyela.. just read the post...okay so im making a post due 2 previous comments on my other post 2 make a new post. okay so about this i carly thing i am going 2 be famous soon all i need is a few shoutouts from sum actors and stuff and i need my parents 2 take me 2 these acting jobs and stuff so anyways wen i get my new show I AM GOING TO BE THE CARLY OF THE GROUP. NYELA IS GOING TO BE THE SAM OF THE GROUP! and chloe or jasmine or kortni or someone i dont really care... is going 2 be the tech person! so everyone if we want this to bhappen we got 2 start this somewhere. put it on skypde u tube or somethinn so we et discovered and since track is runnin our lives we'll film the show @ practice or @ track meets oooh yea track meets wuld be best cuz i prob wont be gettin 2 practice very early...alrite thats all.



  1. We are not naming it ijade. And I could b the tech person cuz I'm the smartest of the group and I have multiple cameras. Coach p iZznt gonna let us do it at meetzzzz. Btw

  2. riiite.. ur the smartest... im actaully the best at the computers but its fine cuz i will be the star!

  3. Omg!! Im so happy your taking my advice jade lol. We shoul post it on youtube! Aida could be the tech girl, or you chloe. but I wana be on the screen, I could be like Gibby. you no how he is somtimes on the show. yeh that would be awsome

  4. but kortni inorder to b gibby youd have 2 b fat. u can b a guest apperience'er

  5. a i can be the libert, lol.jk.

  6. 1st of all u r copin me and 2nd we cant juss copy their show like that we gtta make a different completely different show like uhh about a crazy group of ppl like us and the show can b called track life and then it b like we would b kids who go 2 a scoo called techbridge scoo of the acadimics and we could b bff and we like r kids who have juss been offered 2 do a magizine that gts turned into a internet special called take it away we inerview ppl and do comedy scetches thats start

  7. it shood b called 'my life & friends' it shood b about the weird things that happen in our lives re-inacted and a little exagerated 2.

  8. like my wife and kids. gud idea CC. n then we could finally run around the track singing were all in this together~~~~!!!!

  9. i like nyelas idea thats hard tho.. who has a webam and is willing 2 bring t 2 practice? chloe?

  10. Well the webcam is attached to the laptop which izznt mines sooooooooo....... Hey w8!!! I have a idea. Mayb I cAn ask to borrow my moms vid cam so we can still shoot it. &&& it's called NO scrubs

  11. Hay waite, this is not fair, I gave the idea to Jade via tex msg, and Now you guys wana do the lil show at track! its not fair, i wont be thr (tear) Wat bout every Friday or sum lol

  12. u can visit the track sumtimesss!

  13. u huh...and who cares if its called no scrubs u still new wut i wuz talkin bout.. u cannot vote ur own song! vote again!

  14. No!!!! I shal vote on my own song. U could jus visit the track with Sasha sum time

  15. Ok. fine. but jade, you shold have a pll on wa wat the name should be for this sho (if we even do it) So we can vote. thats way its fair

  16. That's true. Cuz if were gonna b involved then it has 2 b fair

  17. So hurry up and make a poll jade. (she says sweetly)

  18. lol kortni. they would put that in a book. ur so funni now

  19. aWW THANKS CHLOE. But I really did say that nicely

  20. u were all like (she says sweetly) that is so funni. i would like never say that

  21. Lol. O btw, I voted on wat the shw name should be. Good options jade

  22. yay i copied the real housewives of atlanta and put the real tarck stars of cali cuz were not housewives clever huh?

  23. Lol. but we are real track stars of cali. Lol. Ur blog is fun

  24. thanx so hmm lets brainstorm! how r we gona do this cuz i am serious we are going 2 get discovered! and we can put our vids on utube! thats how justin bieber got discovered or so i hear...

  25. Well, We can buy a you tube accont, so once evry week we can put a video on it. we can put videos on our blogs. any more ideas?

  26. YouTube. Not our blog cuz were the only ppl that get on. he rly did get discovered on YouTube

  27. yup sure did...and yea we shuld post it on utube whos gona record the vids? kortni? u go 2 tech rite?

  28. No me!!!! I'm gud with cameras & we never c kortni

  29. Umm well thnx chloe...dang. At least make an effort to see me. Jade I go to Holy Names, Where did you get the idea that I go to Tech???

  30. Oh yea. But Im juss thr wit sasha to pik up kendall somtimes

  31. interestinggg. well its tru. u can c justin bieber wen he wuz lyk 9 singing chris brown

  32. Lol. He wuz prob 13 but looked 9

  33. Ahah. Hes a cute white boy tho

  34. lol...this is true but he looks a little too young. i think hes lyin about his age...

  35. He is cute for a white boy. Were getting all off topic

  36. well theres nuthin left 2 talk about...maybe i shuld make a new post...
