Monday, July 12, 2010

Post:Unknown..just thought i'd write that cuz every1 else did

Well! finally i got a new playlist! cuz jasmine has a laptop that works! yipee! some songs may be a little innappropriate 4 our younger listeners so listen with caution...Anyways personally i still think we should all go 2 santa cruz..but since people are havin problems with that how about boomers? or dave and busters cuz i still havent been there..then maybe we could go 2 someone's house(chloe) and have a karaoke party!! or a lemonade sale...but i dont really particularally care for lemonade sales...or... and here's a kooky idea...have a bike the u guys know where that is?! that could be fun but it would require work 4 people 2 transport their bikes and all! i dunno.. im jus throwin ideas out there! i really do like the karaoke idea with that sed...u may comment ur thoughts...woo! finally a new post!



  1. along with the kareoke idea. we should get in lyk groups or 2 or so and make mini videos lyk music videos! lol. and C whose is the funniest or whatever. that would b hekka funny!(fun) but yeah. and boomers is prob hekka expensive. but the biking idea seems fun!

  2. yea..omg! we could so do music videos and maybe dress'd be heka

  3. u really like the bikig thing..i just thot that was another random thought passin by in my mind that i decided 2 type...

  4. it seems lyk it would b fun! i havent gon e on a bike ride in sooo longgg!!!

  5. me neither my bike has a flat tire tho...its gettin all rusty...

  6. we should go bike riding!! on a free weekend. oops nvm. we dont have anymore free weekends. but like 2 weeks after nationals we should so we dont get outta shape. i dont want a karaoke contest at my house!!! i dont have a karaoke machine. & we go to my house alot. I thought u guys wanted stuff at ur house. (j&j)

  7. who has a kareoke machine?!?! lol seriously tho! well the bike ride would b lyk racing! i have a park near my house we could bike ride at.

  8. u dont really need a karaoke machine tho...u can use comcast..they have atomatic free u dont need a karaoke just bring someones ipod!

  9. oo! ive never been to ur house kortni! haha, just realized that!!! and u havent been to mine, ohh yeah u have, but not often. thats gotta change!

  10. yea! yay!!! I moved tho. u nvr seen my first house i dnt think? But i live rite next door to my grandma now. Your house is fun CC, i only been to ur house, and Aida. Oh and Nyerin

  11. lol..i h8 ur fingers evr feel tingly like they fell asleep?

  12. yea, if i sleep on my hand. or lyk if it gets to cold. i hate tht feeling. Have ur back evr fell asleep.?

  13. i have back pain alot. very often. to often...

  14. back pain? i get that omg my butt is sore a u ever get that? i think that only happens wen i sit down 4 a while..yesterday everytime i moved it was so hurt.the is that w.t.m.i?

  15. to jade: i am writing this letter to u because the track season is over! and im an intermediate!:o im prob gunna b back nxt yr (at 3m) cause i wont b in HS, as u do know. but we have had great times this yr! you are extreemly funny. weve had to deal with tripple jump and the yelling coach Bcause we walked too slow to the tripple jump pit. its weird to think the season is over, lyk im glad but this track season has deffinaley gone by the fastest. well keep acting. and wear purple shoes... yeah purple..:)
    with love♥ christina

  16. p.s. i remember wen u were singing 'One 21 guns' shouting "ONEEEE.....TWENTY-ONEEE.....GUUUURLLL" hahah

  17. lol..i was remixin!...(i really did think thats what he sed)..i would have some purple shoes but jasmine stole em...apparently "i put them down.." but i only put them down 2 get a better view and to think about if i wanted them or not...i might have sed their too small..but i was still thinkin about getting them...
