Thursday, February 25, 2010

Computer Problems

Sorry i havent been on blogger in a while now.. Our laptop needs a new battery and the computer i will be using 4 now just started workingt again... Compuetr problems are the worst arent they wel i shuld be etting on more 4rom now on so u guys can stop boohooing... okay well i g2g rite now cuz my mother will be here any second and i really need 2 go 2 bed.. nite nite...



  1. It's very nice of u 2 inform us. U should get that new vbattery

  2. yea i think my moms gettin it on sunday lets hope she does...

  3. i have a laptop and a computer

  4. i do have a small laptop but, its not workin right . make sure u follow mee, cause u did'nt again, and also, make sure ur sister is doin my ipod right, and the right songs tht i like....kk bye

  5. oh sasha! nice 2 hear 4rom u! ill try 2 follow u if it doesnt work not my fault and oh yea our lapop needs a new battery wit our itunes songz on it so she cant get u ur songz she shuld have told u but she sed she forgot. ridiculous...
