Friday, February 5, 2010

The Uninvited

Omg the uninvited is such a good movie.... I watched it like 2 hours ago but its so good... its like twisted and i like movies like th@... Now im watchin the Unborn its aliiite... and stupid freakin Megan Goode is in it! shes in everything now! As you guys shuld already no she reminds me of Chloe why i dont no but she does.... anyway i dont no wut 2 write so im jut gonna go...



  1. ok, megean goode doesnt remind me of chloe

  2. i never sed u looked like her i just sed u reminde me of her very much so and i think u mite look like her in the future... u heard it here first people i bet ull look like her wen ur older...

  3. Christina!!!! Rude!!!! N idk how I posibbly remind u of her

  4. am i seriously the only 1 who thinks this? how can she nawt remind u of Megan Goode?!

  5. lol GEZZZZZZZ! i wuz just wondering (haha) if jade and other (haha) ppl thot she wuz pretty. lol

  6. who Megan Goode? i suppose i cant really say if shes pretty or ugly cuz she reminds me of chloe and if i say that shes ugly then that wuld mean that i think chloe is ugly cuz they seem like the same person 2 me and she does NAWT in any way remind me of Miley Cyrus!

  7. hate miley crus(hate spinnerbait.. lol if u dont no wut that means then u need 2 read This Lullaby by Sara Dessen) jk i dont hate Miley Cyrus im just tired of her..

  8. U guys r crazy. I don't understand how I can remiNd either of u of miley Cyrus or Megan goode. Well I guess that just means u
    think I'm gonna b rich n famous

  9. or ur personalities r similar! nuthing 2 do with personal backgrounds...

  10. U would know absoutly nothing about either of their personalities

  11. but persayyy, jade doesnt lyk megan goode, then in caparason to u in that way. (which isnt the reason probrobly). jade prob just thinks (as she stated b4) wen ur older, u may or may nodt look lyk her but just because u look lyk someone u most likely wont be as famous as them. lyk if u looked exactly lyk sara sheppard, u cood prob b a yogart shack owner.....persay

  12. Yogart shack??? Sara shepard??, jade can u jus drop saying that I remind you of her because I really don't see it and it's starting to bother me

  13. thankyou i do too and no im entitiled 2 me opinion i refuse to say something i dont believe... if u remind me of Megan Goode then im gonna say so...

  14. well then I can say that you remind me of the dude from pants on the ground

  15. that makes no sense tho 1st of all i am not male and secondly i dont sing plus im not a 63 year old!

  16. Well I'm not a 25 year old lady!!!

  17. They've been closed for quite sum time now

  18. i will just nawt now maybe l8ter fine i suppose im gettin kinda tired of them myself their heka old...

  19. they've been there a long time. how did u get 14 ppl to voted on ur poll?

  20. i can vote twice cuz, my moms laptop. and then if its lyk 4 days later, i can vote again

  21. I canvote three time but I choose to only vote twice. CC that's very fasinating

  22. why wuld u vote twice or three tmes on the same thing? y not just vote once and just be done?
