Saturday, June 5, 2010

movies and povies

i honestly dont no y i named this post that! but anyways im watchin legion again..we got it 4rom th@ red box thingy we got avatar too but its not workin..suckish thingy...anyways 2 nite! is movie nite and we will be eatin tthe popcorn!!!! woohooo! u no wut i wuz just thinkin??? blogspot is really similiar 2 twitter? shuld i get a twitter?! it seems kinda boring and 4 old people(btw ur old if ur over 21)oh yea...chloes idea about clothing exchanging is excellentay cuz i believe i hav nice clothes and i saw cc clothes and they're nice and i guess chloes are nice 2 so we will all be lookin niiiice...oh yea and u too nyela! well thats pretty nmuch it 4 the scoop nuthin really exciting goin on and i havent made a post in forever so i made one! yea thats it!



  1. I'm watchin AMW. Very interesting. Ya know there's this website where u can rent dresses that cost up to 2,000 dollars!! And u can rent it for like 50. How nice!!! Fancy occasions!!! Very nice

  2. Oo I watchd thatt chloe but yeaa thaat quy also shot that police officer . He wass hekka stupid soo were thee police bcuz the dude escaped prison twice not once but twice && he been on thee run 4 35 years since thee second x he escaped . They saw him 2years aqo && still ddnt qt him wtf they aree DBH's

  3. lol wuts AMW? and ive heard of th@ website b4 they were talkin bout it on tyra! dont u think this writing is pretty bright? i think ima change it...

  4. No it's fine. It's Americas most wanted. Is it like easy to escape from prison cuz the dude did it twice. TWICE!!! Jade I got the website from Tyra. I'm prob gonna use it. Renttherunway. & then the fat baseball coach. Perve!!! Yuukkkiii!!
