Monday, December 21, 2009


Omg Im gettin so stressed. Okay so i have to go to the mall and get my mom her gift 4 xmas plus i gotta get my friend a gift and jasmine keeps sayin oh and we have 2 go to that kiosk and get our ears pierced but thats too expensive! and i wanna get my mom sumthin 4rom bath and body works or the body shop and i wanna get my friend a bracelet 4rom somewhere but i only have 12 dollars! So wat do i do? SHould i do sum xtra chores around the house and earn sum money or shuld i forget about the ear piercing and get my mom her gift and use my xmas money to get my friend a gift after xmas or shuld i just wait til i get 2 the mall and try 2 get my mom and my friend 6 dollar gifts? please help me! comment.



  1. get ur ears pierced after christmas. get a coupo 2 sum where and get 6 dollar gifts. then with ur christmas money get ur ears pierced. have no idea still huh?

    so like give ur mo the perfume and ur friend the lotion and bubble bath stuff. and then youll still have 2 dollars to spare. how smart am i?
