Sunday, August 22, 2010

Six Flags!!! im finally makin a new post!!! due to some complaints..(chloe..) and we are planning on going to six flags marine world for aida julien's 14th birthday....well... i wanna go to six flags fright night...but im not sure about everyone pretty sure we all have 2 pay our own way and dont kno wut else to write....umm im watchin the occhocinco show...the ulimate catch or wutever.. tara is heka stupid...she bout 2 go pshychic..i already kno...umm yea..comment!


Monday, July 12, 2010

Post:Unknown..just thought i'd write that cuz every1 else did

Well! finally i got a new playlist! cuz jasmine has a laptop that works! yipee! some songs may be a little innappropriate 4 our younger listeners so listen with caution...Anyways personally i still think we should all go 2 santa cruz..but since people are havin problems with that how about boomers? or dave and busters cuz i still havent been there..then maybe we could go 2 someone's house(chloe) and have a karaoke party!! or a lemonade sale...but i dont really particularally care for lemonade sales...or... and here's a kooky idea...have a bike the u guys know where that is?! that could be fun but it would require work 4 people 2 transport their bikes and all! i dunno.. im jus throwin ideas out there! i really do like the karaoke idea with that sed...u may comment ur thoughts...woo! finally a new post!


Sunday, June 20, 2010


OMG because of facebook no one is getting on blogspot anymore! I knew this wuz going to happen! BUT! we dont have 2 let facebook kill blogspot...cuz blogspot got us first! thats like ditching an old friend! and we simply cannot be one of those people..SO i am asking alll of us to split our time into half so th@ the hour u spend on ur computer..half of it goes blogspot and the other half goes to facebook! together we can make a difference...lets not let blogspot die!


Thursday, June 17, 2010


omg its finally summer!!!!!!!! its about time! i kept tellin myself everytime one of my teachers got on my nerves.."jade try not to choke the teacher....jus 3 more days..." and i got through it! yay me1 i feel so accomplished...anyway we simply must do sumething waatch karate kid chloe!!!!! NOT SHREK! or go 2 six flags...omg please! i so wanna go 2 six flags! *BRAINBLAST*!!!we culd take bart! ANYWAYS so yea hit me up on things u wanna do...and enjoy ur summers...!

Thursday, June 10, 2010


I will make a new post in th e library today on the bout2 go 2 core and recite a dramatic memorized heka long shakespeare poem! ..with feeling! wish me luck


Saturday, June 5, 2010

movies and povies

i honestly dont no y i named this post that! but anyways im watchin legion again..we got it 4rom th@ red box thingy we got avatar too but its not workin..suckish thingy...anyways 2 nite! is movie nite and we will be eatin tthe popcorn!!!! woohooo! u no wut i wuz just thinkin??? blogspot is really similiar 2 twitter? shuld i get a twitter?! it seems kinda boring and 4 old people(btw ur old if ur over 21)oh yea...chloes idea about clothing exchanging is excellentay cuz i believe i hav nice clothes and i saw cc clothes and they're nice and i guess chloes are nice 2 so we will all be lookin niiiice...oh yea and u too nyela! well thats pretty nmuch it 4 the scoop nuthin really exciting goin on and i havent made a post in forever so i made one! yea thats it!


Saturday, May 22, 2010

Sunday, May 16, 2010


due 2 sum requests, i will now recite my hair poem....
Wavy, Crazy
Hair as long as the golden gate
Blonde hair,brune hair(brunnette),blonde hair, red
Changimg hairstyles til we're dead
Leave it down,braided,or in a bun
i can't think so now im done....


Friday, May 7, 2010

Betsy the Buggie who got sum Rims!

one day betsy the buggie wuz strollin around w/ her friends troy the tractor and mimi the mini cooper wen ferra the ferrari pulled up...
Ferra: wut r u doing here u hideously poor pieces of junk?!
Betsy: W-w-w-were j-just on our way t-t-o the country club
Troy: Yea! wuts it 2 u! u ol' smelly hunk of metal!
Ferra: the only thing that stinks around here is yo breath! bak up a few feet!
Mimi: come on u guys. cant we all get along!
Ferra:SHUTUP!anyways get out of my way u losers!
and with that she strolled away!
Betsy: Im goona show her! im gonna show her that cars 4rom the other sider of town can be beautiful too!
and she did! Betsy wuz so upset that she went 2 the local autobody shop and had a drastic transformation!
Troy: Hey! who is that?
Betsy: its me betsy silly!
Troy: DANG! u is lookin good gurl!
Betsy: Thanx! lets show Ferra
and with that they strolled over 2 the country club rite over 2 ferra were betsy stood in the sun and her perfect little ALUMINUM FOIL RIMS CAUGHT ON FIRE! betsy became the laughing stock of Autotown...and nevr lived happily ever after..

Friday, April 23, 2010

Recapual tendencies

Hey blarmeys( i realize i sed blarmeys.... i felt like it!) ! i am so sorry i have not been on blogger lately i wuz goin through a little rut wit my computer diet and all but u dont have 2 worry about that anymore! im bak!!!!! woo! yea baby! hmm lets recap shall we? im pretty sure ill be writing another story soon entitles Betsy The Buggie who got some Rims its a work in progress.. i workin out the kinks wit my people... i really needf u guys 2 vote on my poll i need 2 no wut ur fav saying is! its muy importante? anyways im not good wit te whole spanish thing which is why i am taking sign language in high school! im bout 2 be cursin yall out in sign language and no i do not mean the middle finger for all u dirty-minded little fellows...well thats about it cuz this post is long!!

Chow! btw...i made my title after i made the post and i wanted 2 jazz it up. thats y the titles so strange.


okay this isnt really a new post its just an insider im gonna make a new post after school 2dy about a lot of things and it will b pretty long...srryni havnet been on blogger that long i wuz on a computer diet...

Saturday, April 10, 2010

The Pickle Who just wanted 2 get out...

Okay nyela really inspired me w/ her short story so i wrote my it goes
Dill the pickle:i just wanna get out of this smelly refrigerator
Mary the Mayonaise:Me too! But how are we gonna get out?
Dill the pickle: i have an goes...okay wen Cynthia Cuzzy comes in for her annual 2:00 snack we sneak up on Steve the String Cheese and we tear off 1 of his strings and unravel him til we reach the bottom of the fridge.
Mary The Mayonaise: What an excellent idea!
Dill the Pickle: i no! now its 1:59 and we have 20 seconds... go sneak up on Steve the String Cheese!
Narrator: Mary the Mayonaise and Dill the Pickle scittered ovr 2 Steve the String Cheese and-
Dill the Pickle:ATTACK!!!!!!!!
Narrator: Steve the String Cheese never got 2 finish his sentence because Dill The pickle and Mary The Mayonaise unraveled him..
Dill the Pickle: 10 seconds...
Cynthia Cuzzy: Mhmm i am hungry ooh wuts this a pickle and sum Mayonaise? sounds lyk a good snack...
Narrator:You can probably already guess wut hapened...SHE ATE THEM! THE FAT LOON ATE EM' and that wuz the end of Dill the Pickle and Mary the Mayonaise...2 companions who jus wanted 2 get out. Let this be a lesson 2 u. Whenever u find urself stuck in a fridge tryna get out.DO NOT EVER! TRY 2 ESCApe wen a fat loon lyk cynthia cuzzy is lookin 4 food...

Sunday, April 4, 2010

Easter and The Track Meet

Okay so yesterday was the track meet and it wuz ridiculously long! Okay so we were suppose 2 get there at 8:00 but me and jasmine got there at 8:30... Christina already sed the order of events so u shuld no that the 1500 wuz lyk the 4th i want sumeone 2 tell me why the heck we ran the 1500 at 2:30 almost 3:00?! Omg! WTF? slow a** people... Okay aside 4rom the time wuz a pretty good meet and i thought ever1 did a pretty good job...except Mr.P didnt get our times in the 800! but yea i wannna give a round of appluase to all the people who attended the meet... Bravo... OKay now 2 my next subject Easter! Hapy Easter every1! people prob shuld be goin 2 church evn tho sum arent...not sayin any names....but yea thats all i wanted 2 say on that...Every1 have a blessed day...

Sunday, March 14, 2010


no i am not copyin u nyela.. just read the post...okay so im making a post due 2 previous comments on my other post 2 make a new post. okay so about this i carly thing i am going 2 be famous soon all i need is a few shoutouts from sum actors and stuff and i need my parents 2 take me 2 these acting jobs and stuff so anyways wen i get my new show I AM GOING TO BE THE CARLY OF THE GROUP. NYELA IS GOING TO BE THE SAM OF THE GROUP! and chloe or jasmine or kortni or someone i dont really care... is going 2 be the tech person! so everyone if we want this to bhappen we got 2 start this somewhere. put it on skypde u tube or somethinn so we et discovered and since track is runnin our lives we'll film the show @ practice or @ track meets oooh yea track meets wuld be best cuz i prob wont be gettin 2 practice very early...alrite thats all.


Saturday, February 27, 2010

Fat Albert

Omg me and jasmine just watched fat albert and i almost cried! that movie is so beautiful omg i love it so much u have no idea how much lyk its one of my fav movies...I always forget who played in it... It has Marques Houston Kyla Pratt Kenan Thompson the dude 4rom dreamgirls and this christmas u no lauren londons bf in this christmas? yea that guy and this other two dudes i dont there names but they look familiar oh and omarion and bill cosby... i love that movie so much that i wanna see the original cartoon... somebody get me that 4 my bday! i will love it if somebody gets that 4 me me and jasmine also watched Saw 5 wit Megan Goode (whos in a alot of scary movies now) but that doesnt matter rite now... Ahhh Fat Albert one of the best movies ever! it should have won an oscar.. a golden globe an emmy! okay too long im gonna wrap it up. ONE.OF.THE.BEST.MOVIES.EVR. PERIOD. Seven pounds is also good wit will smith okay im done...


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Computer Problems

Sorry i havent been on blogger in a while now.. Our laptop needs a new battery and the computer i will be using 4 now just started workingt again... Compuetr problems are the worst arent they wel i shuld be etting on more 4rom now on so u guys can stop boohooing... okay well i g2g rite now cuz my mother will be here any second and i really need 2 go 2 bed.. nite nite...


Saturday, February 20, 2010

I wuz just thinkin

OKay so i wuz just goin through sum random thoughts of mine and i wuz wonderin Can giraffes touch their toes? You no with their heads? Maybe someone shuld look it up 4 me? Any comments? or Answers?


Sunday, February 14, 2010

Valentines Day and Valentines Day....

The reason this post is called Valentines day and valentines day is cuz first its valentines daay of course and me and jasmine saw valentines day the movie last nite.... okay so like it wuz really good exceet i didnt neccessarilly like how they had all the different story lines my fav story line is the one wit taylor swift and emma roberts so funnny ahh high school..... and oh ya its valentines day baby babay!!!!!!! i dont particularly like Valentines day cuz its always heka mushy and sappy and such.... but it that floats ur pickle good for u... alrite well i dont no wut 2 say now i bought my mom her gift 4 her bday on the 27th i got her a book that she really wanted and a red teddy bear that says i love u well this post is gettin ong so imma wrap it up have a merry merry valentines day all and a happy new year...


Friday, February 5, 2010

The Uninvited

Omg the uninvited is such a good movie.... I watched it like 2 hours ago but its so good... its like twisted and i like movies like th@... Now im watchin the Unborn its aliiite... and stupid freakin Megan Goode is in it! shes in everything now! As you guys shuld already no she reminds me of Chloe why i dont no but she does.... anyway i dont no wut 2 write so im jut gonna go...


Sunday, January 24, 2010


MAN, JASMINE GOT ME SICK! COUGH COUGH! i mean like i wuz sick last weekend and then i felt better towards the week. So this is where the story starts... i wuz watchin tv in jasmines room and i wuz startin 2 get sleepy and i didnt feel like walkin down the hall to my room so i just slept in jasmines room... NEVER EVER SLEEP IN UR SICK SISTER'S ROOM! OMG WHERES THE TISSUE?! MY NOSE WONT STOP RUNNIN IT FEELS LIKE A FAUCET!!! BOOOOO...


Wednesday, January 20, 2010


HMM... lets see i like apples,oranges,pickles... sorry i just dont no wut 2 write about and chloe keeps nagging me about getting a new post so here ya go chloe ya happy now?! ANYWAY in pe were doing dancing and we learned 3 dances pata-pata which is an arickan folk dance popcorn which is like american square dancing except without the partners and this russian dance that u have 2 have [partners with and oh yea my fave the mexican hat dance oh lay!


Saturday, January 16, 2010

My day @ the mall

man i wish i wuz goin sumewhere i have 2 much hw in Core i have a whole media project thing 2 do i read a bio book and now i have to do a memory page on Jane Goodall with pixs and stuff ugh stupid hw i did go 2 the mall 2 day tho and i got a really cute sweatshirt 4rom hollister anda stupid freakin 6.50 tank 4rom wetseal wen i coud have gotten like six tanks 4rom Joppa each 4 1.70 but its cool my moms got me sum and lets c i also got sum earrings and a ring 4rom Charlotte Russ and hmm another nail art pen a blue 1 from target and sum yellow nailpolish and sum mints it wuz a good day...

Omg i needed a new post depreetley

oh i think i spelled depreatly wrong but i dont care and anyway i just thought i needed a new post plus every1 keeps bothering me about it! so anyways lets see wu shuld i talk about oh yea wuts up wit this skype thingy im probs not gonna get 1 cuz i dont have a webcam evn tho i really want 1! maybe some1 can get me 1 4 my bday but th@s way 2 long from now ugh i need 2 change my background any1 wanna hellp?

Saturday, January 9, 2010

Nyela's Get-together

Omg im so mad i cant go to nyelas get-together thingy! my mom wuz like pick one. u can eiher go 2 that or her bday party and i of course im not gonna miss out on her bday party so i chose that! so not fair! WHY CANT I GO 2 BOTH?! ugh sorry nyela :-(

Saturday, January 2, 2010

Chiwawa attack

Omg i 4 got 2 tell u guys me jazzyh and my older sister were chased by a chiwawa. it wuz terrifying! it ran so fast and i have never run th@ fast in my life! it wuz like a 100 and i got a 12.9 or sumthin i passed my older sister and the devil wuldnt stop. it hopped over the fence and ran heka fast. That experince will forever haunt me 4 life! okay thats pretty much it i thot i shuld just tell u guys that!


Friday, January 1, 2010


OMG ITS NEW YEARS!!!!!!!!! 2010 baby! yayua!!!! siyanara yaa 2010s gonna be so fun! i really dont no wut 2 write so uh ya AAAAHYYOOOO KALOOSH! 2010 SO HAPPY!
